Willa Holland: Birthday Girl

It has been a while since I have posted to the blog, but today is a day worthy of it. It is none other than Willa Holland's 32nd birthday, and while I have already done my "celebrating," I figured all of you can celebrate with this new fake I have made in preparation for today. It was originally going to be a more ambitious fake that was actually birthday themed-much of it using the new generative fill feature in Photoshop Beta. However, I didn't have enough time to fully explore that, and my first attempts didn't turn out well. The only part of the image that uses the generative fill is the necklace-which I thought was decent enough to keep in. This feature has been in use with some of my more recent work, and I will continue to explore it further.

I will have two versions of the fake uploaded here. The first being the final version that I was satisfied with, and the second being the previous version that turned out well for what it is. I hope you like the fakes, and get to celebrating.

Happy Birthday to Willa Holland, and a happy Fathers' Day to the rest.


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