Willa Holland: Living Perfection


    Willa Joanna Chance Holland. This woman has been my celebrity crush since I started watching Arrow in 2014. I mentioned that I think Kristen Stewart is a 10/10, but Willa is the one above all; a 100/10; SSS tier; an actual living goddess; the most beautiful creature in all of creation. This makes it so nerve-racking to make fakes of her. I am trying to capture the perfection that I see in her. Extra care is taken when producing these. However, due to my nature, I always find myself disappointed with something in these fakes. This is why they will never be my greatest work, because I set such an incredibly high standard for them that I can't possibly achieve. I, at the very least, do try.

    Riley Reid is the model used for these fakes. The body type is very similar, and there is a lot of source material to use since she is one of the most popular pornstars in the industry. It helps that they are both brunettes as well; it makes the process of blending the hair much easier. The first fake is of course my favorite of the set. However I do have to give out a shoutout to the second fake. Using the Patch Tool and another image of Willa for reference, the moles in the upper chest area are relatively close to where Willa actually has some moles. This is the only fake that has done that, and I am unsure if it is something I would do again, but I think it is a very fun fact, and goes to show the potential of the Patch Tool.

    It goes without saying that there will be more (and more complex) fakes made of this gorgeous girl. She is definitely the poster girl for this series of fakes, and I hope that excites you as much as it terrifies me. It will be quite the journey for us all, and I thank you who have followed so far. I appreciate the support so very much.

    Now this is where the fun begins.


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