
Welcome to the FAKED Collection! This blog will be dedicated to showcasing my Photoshoped works of celebrity fakes. For the past few months, I have been uploading these fakes to cfake.com under the handle 4EV4RALONE, and while the great majority of my work has been uploaded, some have slipped through the cracks. To remedy this, I have decided to create this blog to showcase all of my work and discuss the process behind each one for those interested. 

All of my work will be completely free for viewing and download. I won't mind if the images are uploaded on other sites without credit. This is just a fun hobby/learning experience for me; I don't care much for recognition.

I won't necessarily take requests, but feel free to leave suggestions for future fakes-it may be the dash of inspiration I need from time to time.

Critique to your heart's desire, I will take nothing personally. I would say that I am below average with Photoshop, as I am just learning as I go. There are many more talented fakers out there who inspired me to take up the craft, and I hope I could do the same for others.

With all that said, let's begin this faking odyssey...


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