Kristen Stewart


    Kristen fucking Stewart. An actual ten out of ten in my opinion. I have been fawning over her since 2012-right alongside her co-star Ashley Greene. I can't quite explain it, there is just something so magnetizing about her (which is weird, because I have not watched a single one of her films). Needless to say, I take these fakes of her very seriously, and have the most energy put into them.

   Kenna James is the model used. This is why all of these fakes are a Kristen in her blonde phase, as Kenna is a blonde, and that makes the process of blending the hair much easier. I intend on faking Kristen in her brunette phase as well and I definitely want to try it with her shaved head phase. That will be a fun endeavor, and I'll imagine I will have to try things I have never tried before in Photoshop, but I'll cross that bridge when I get there. 

  I like pretty much all of these fakes-probably some of my best work. I think the second one is probably the worst of the batch. I say this because I had to get a little creative to get it to work. The neck and shoulders are actually Kristen's from the image I used, and I was able to connect them seamlessly. However, I think the head is too small because of the perspective. I'm actually quite disappointed in myself for this, because I think I could've fixed it pretty easily had I noticed it sooner. I might try and see if I can fix that latter, but I'm willing to live with that mistake for now (story of my life). 
  I am glad the tattoo turned out as well as it did. Blending that took some work since I didn't just draw it from scratch. Adding it was just a personal touch-I guess it makes it seem more "authentic." For some reason I enjoy doing stuff like that, and this isn't even the craziest case of authenticity. That title belongs to one of the Willa Holland fakes, but I'll get to that later. For now, I hope you enjoy these fakes as much as I enjoyed making them.


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